Oriol Pi de Cabanyes

Oriol Pi de Cabanyes

Oriol Pi de Cabanyes (Vilanova i la Geltrú, Garraf, 1950). Novelist and essayist. At a very young age, just sixteen, he won the first Crida als escriptors joves (Call to young writers) competition held by Serra d'Or and at just twenty-three, he won the Prudenci Bertrana Prize for his first novel Oferiu flors als rebels que fracassaren (1973). He also won the Premi Crítica Serra d'Or for this same novel in 1974. The novel is important as a portrait of the youth of that time. In addition to writing, he also teaches and, as a novelist, has written També les formigues, Dylan, algun dia ploraran de solitud (finalist for the Josep Pla award in 1975) and Esquinçalls d'una bandera (1977; finalist for the Sant Jordi award in 1976). He has also published a book of short stories entitled Novenari d'ànimes (1978). As an essayist, Oriol Pi de Cabanyes with Guillem-Jordi Graells, published La generació literària dels 70 (1971) and as a specialist in the 19th century, he wrote La Renaixença (1978), Apunts d'història de la Renaixença (1984) and Repensar Catalunya (1989), for which he won the Josep Vallverdú Essay Award in 1988. Of his extensive production, it is also worth noting his journal Llibre d'hores (1975-1978) (1980) and travelogue Pel bell nord glaçat (Sant Joan award, 1995). In addition to writing frequently for Serra d'OrAvui and La VanguardiaOriol Pi de Cabanyes has also been the director of the Museu Víctor Balaguer in Vilanova i la Geltrú and the Institució de les Lletres Catalanes, as well as the Catalan Ministry of Culture and the Consorci Català de Promoció Exterior de la Cultura. He was on the board at the Association of Catalan Language Writers from 1978 to 1980.   Source: AELC