Fernando Pérez-Borbujo

Fernando Pérez-Borbujo

Tenured lecturer of Philosophy of the Humanities Department of the Pompeu Fabra University. Doctor in Humanities (2000) and Political and Administration Sciences (2009) from the Pompeu Fabra University. He has done further studies in the universities of Tubinga, Munich and Berlin. His research has focused in German Philosophy of the 19th Century and Spanish Philosophy of the 20th Century. His other area of interest is relationship between ethics, religion and politics in contemporary thought. He is the writer of El cuerpo y sus abismos (2014), Tres miradas sobre el Quijote: Unamuno, Ortega, Zambrano (2010), Veredas del espíritu. De Hume a Freud (2007), La otra orilla de la belleza. En torno al pensamiento de E. Trías (2005) and Schelling. El sistema de la libertad (2004). He has edited and written the introduction for S. Kierkegaard. Apuntes sobre la filosofía de la revelación de F. W. J. Schelling (1841-8142) (2014) e Ironía y destino. La filosofía secreta de Soren Kierkegaard (2013). He has also translated, with collabortion, Schelling's work Del yo como principio de la filosofía o sobre lo incondicionado en el saber humano (2003).