Architecture inventory

Light, the interior as the essence of architecture, sacred chambers, Greek agora porches, unreachable domes, and monumental colonnades provide the background for a plot of an architectural selection whose arbitrariness, warns the author, becomes infallible.


Temple of Hathor in Dendera

Failing to include single-family houses, which would deserve to be ranked separately, my personal choice is this Ptolemaic temple rather than more expensive temples from past dynasties because this one preserves the ceiling. The degradation of the magical light coming from the desert to the dark sacred chambers only pierced by thin sunlight beams, only seen due to the little light entrances and the temple’s ceiling.

The temple through the published by its visitors on Instagram.


Stoa of Attalos in Athens

Considering that the essence of architecture resides in the interior, I have picked this monument, with a very narrow range of interpretation, built using a repetitive typology of porches that surrounded Greek agorae due to the limited number of architectural elements preserved. Certainly, the original fragments are distinguished because of their hard work. However, this does not prevent interpretation of these porches within the shadows of these porches. Extreme archaeological respect provides architectural enjoyment.

The monument through the photos published by its visitors to Instagram.


Pantheon in Rome

The best building in classical Rome and probably in the history of architecture. Yet another work destined to create shadows thanks to its magical oculus that enables light and rain to penetrate the building, as the splendid bronze sewer under the oculus demonstrates. The fact that this colossal dome was not entirely closed but included a big oculus, inspired Brunelleschi to create the Cathedral of Florence with no scaffolding.

The pantheon through the photos published by its visitors to Instagram.


Santa María del Mar in Barcelona

I believe Santa María del Mar is the simplest and most mystical Gothic church in the world.

The basilica through the photos published by its visitors to Instagram.


Alhambra in Granada

Along with the Sagrada Familia, this monument is the most visited in Spain: 3 million people per year. Quoting Abraham Lincoln, we can ensure that people cannot be fooled all the time. The Alhambra is the best Arabian architectural product in the world, much better than any other built in Africa.

The Alhambra through the photos published by its visitors to Instagram.


Saint Peter’s Apse in the Vatican

Michelangelo was an absolute genius in all plastic arts as well as architecture. The exterior of St. Peter’s apse, which is only visible from the Vatican gardens, is a sudden and great transition to the Baroque Renaissance. Unusual proportions, curved and broken walls, and a staggering attic. New tends to be bad but good is always new.

The basilica through the photos published by its visitors to Instagram.


Bernini’s colonnade in the Vatican

Borromini was the perfect incompetent while Bernini was the highly skilful one. The colonnade in Saint Peter’s is extremely brilliant for several reasons, but it is unimaginable for an architect to build a classical colonnade on a sloping soil with no visible problems. Every column seems to have the same height and they are all vertically arranged, the capitals seem orthogonal, and the architrave horizontal. How does he achieve this level of perfection?

The St. Peter’s Square of the Vatican through the photos published by its visitors to Instagram.


Würzburg residence

German Baroque, a simple architectural style in history; Balthasar Neumann, his best representative; Würzburg, a staggering residence; its imperial stairway, the most beautiful one in universal Baroque; its ceiling, the best work in the design by Tiepolo, and the best and biggest fresco ceiling in history.

The palace through the photos posted by its visitors to Instagram.


Guggenheim Museum in New York

The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao is not a bad piece of work but I prefer the one by Wright. If I cannot select a mansion made by this genius architect, I pick this museum in New York. I admit that hanging pictures in a curved and sloping wall is not highly uncommon, but travelling this space is an unforgettable architectural experience. And, despite the difficulties, I would like to set up an exhibition there.

The museum through the photos published by its visitors to Instagram.


The Sagrada Familia

I am getting into unnecessary trouble by claiming this but I decided to include the work by Gaudí in the top ten. More than 50 years ago I was one of the researchers of an investigation, signed by many figures in architecture, radically opposed to continuity in renovations. I made a mistake. Many details I would have solved differently but the light and space –two of the main elements in architecture– are absolutely sublime.

The temple through the photos published by its visitors on Instagram.

Publicado por
Óscar Tusquets

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