Ten works necessary to understand the history of theater

The theater’s vitality allows reinterpreting tragic or comical storylines from every period, in a puzzling world full of fantasy that culminates in catharsis and establishes a tight bond with the audience, century after century.




Maeterlinck, a symbolist, studied the world of bees, butterflies, and other insects. Interior is his most ambitious work and the least performed; however, along with Intruder, it was on stage by modernists at Sitges’ Cau Ferrat in the late 1800s. The play reminisces the placid table talk through a window. People from town come by to give news of their old daughter’s suicide. The night goes on and they do not find a way to tell to the family, who are happy and appeased. The night draws on dreadfully, and quietness becomes tense and eternal.